Tan Aik Kiong
Executive Director

Tan Aik Kiong is the Executive Director of TSH. He was appointed to the Board of Directors of TSH on 25 November 1987. He sits on the board of various subsidiary companies and jointly controlled companies of TSH and holds directorship in other private limited companies. He is currently the Managing Director of Innoprise Plantations Berhad, a company listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.

He holds a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering, majoring in Construction Management, from the Oklahoma State University, United States of America.

He has more than 30 years of experience in resource-based industries, which include cocoa and palm oil covering both the primary, processing, refining and international trade segments throughout his career with the Company, Innoprise Plantations Berhad, Prudential Bache Ltd., an established brokerage and commission house and Ameroid Services Pte. Ltd., an independent warehousing company in Singapore.